Holiday Home Books

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Liz Cody
Dec 14, 2015 rated it did not like it
Dreadful. Whoever has encouraged Fern Britton to write novels really needs to go away and have a long, hard think. Horrible spoilt characters, ridiculous dialogue (really cringy at times) and a plot that bounces off in so many different and irrelevant directions that the reader ends up not really caring about any of them. The dialogue in particular is quite peculiar and old-fashioned (e.g. relatively young men calling each other "old man") and who on earth would have a "rumpus room" ? I kept wit Dreadful. Whoever has encouraged Fern Britton to write novels really needs to go away and have a long, hard think. Horrible spoilt characters, ridiculous dialogue (really cringy at times) and a plot that bounces off in so many different and irrelevant directions that the reader ends up not really caring about any of them. The dialogue in particular is quite peculiar and old-fashioned (e.g. relatively young men calling each other "old man") and who on earth would have a "rumpus room" ? I kept with it hoping it would improve, but I really should have gone with my initial reaction and put it straight into the pile for the car boot sale. ...more
Grace J Reviewerlady
I don't normally go for 'celebrity' authors, but I am glad I read this book. A really good storyline, characters which came to life, and plenty going on throughout the book. I loved the Cornish setting and would have no hesitation in reading another of Fern's offerings. I don't normally go for 'celebrity' authors, but I am glad I read this book. A really good storyline, characters which came to life, and plenty going on throughout the book. I loved the Cornish setting and would have no hesitation in reading another of Fern's offerings. ...more
Fern Britton is a great TV presenter and I think she seems like a really lovely woman but after reading this book, I think she should stick to the television.

I felt this book was awkward and sloppy and if it had been a normal person trying to be an author, sending this in to the publishers, they would have hot it back with a big fat rejection ribbon.

From the get-go, Pru and Connie are abhorrent characters. There's more maturity seen in the pair of teenagers in the family, then the two mothers.

Fern Britton is a great TV presenter and I think she seems like a really lovely woman but after reading this book, I think she should stick to the television.

I felt this book was awkward and sloppy and if it had been a normal person trying to be an author, sending this in to the publishers, they would have hot it back with a big fat rejection ribbon.

From the get-go, Pru and Connie are abhorrent characters. There's more maturity seen in the pair of teenagers in the family, then the two mothers. The way they fight and get riled up over the smallest things is pathetic. It made me grind my teeth in frustration but I had started a book and I never leave a book unfinished. And the way these grown women call their parents, 'Mummy' and 'Daddy'. Give me the puke bucket. It's all very hoity toity British if you ask me and maybe I don't get it, cause I'm not British.

The men in this book were one word:, I'm not saying that a man can't be a stay at home husband but I think men are perfectly capable of doing this and not being a doormat. I found Francis so weak and eager to please, blegh...and Greg was a pompous A-Hole. And when he started crying cause his mistress showed up and he was so afraid of being caught and then proceeded to sleep with her on the beach a few metres away from his daughters birthday party....come on. The ending with Abi and Greg was also far too 'The Lucky One' by Nicholas Sparks for me except in that case the drowned husband actually seemed somewhat redeemable where in this case, I felt nothing for Greg's accident. And the whole 'history repeats itself' thing going on. No.

Just a big fat NO for this book. And I think my rant may be over now.

Hilary Atkins
I would not have got past the first few pages of this if it had not been a reading group book. I guess it is an easy read for summer but what a total waste of a few hours. I don't give it any stars at all. I feel sure this would never have been published if Fern Britton was not a well known person. Don't waste your time on it! I would not have got past the first few pages of this if it had not been a reading group book. I guess it is an easy read for summer but what a total waste of a few hours. I don't give it any stars at all. I feel sure this would never have been published if Fern Britton was not a well known person. Don't waste your time on it! ...more
Choosing to read this book came down to the plot outlined in the blurb. It sounded interesting and I expected the sibling rivarly to give foundation to interesting and believable characters. However, this was not the case, and the very things I looked forward to as part of the book were the ones that let it down the most.
To me, the ending was way too rushed. Throughout the entire book, the "family secret" to be unveiled was what kept me at it, and allowed me to ingnore the fact that every chara
Choosing to read this book came down to the plot outlined in the blurb. It sounded interesting and I expected the sibling rivarly to give foundation to interesting and believable characters. However, this was not the case, and the very things I looked forward to as part of the book were the ones that let it down the most.
To me, the ending was way too rushed. Throughout the entire book, the "family secret" to be unveiled was what kept me at it, and allowed me to ingnore the fact that every character (exept maybe Francis) was petty, childish and, to me, downright unlikable. I understand that there is this whole sibling rivalry thing going on, but somehow I imagined that as women in their 40s, Connie and Pru would resort more to side comments, careful (and necessary!) manipulation, and the occasional self-promotional brag rather than a childish race to see who will get to their holiday home first to claim the biggest room. Then came the ending. It was rushed and contained a string of major events that seemed like the author did not even glance at. I was nearing the end of the book, maybe only one sixth to go, and the 'secret' had not yet been revealed. Maybe it was so small that I had missed it? But no, with barely one hundred pages to go it was revealed as news to the two sisters.
When I saw that there was an epilogue, I was at first relieved. Then I read it. It was just about the most poorly executed use of a painfully cliche and irrelevant end to the story, which just spoiled it for me.
Needless to say, I was disappointed by many aspect of this book.
Despite these flaws, it was not all bad. The IDEAS behind the plot were nicely woven if poorly executed. Francis was a lovely and interesting character, and I found the use of the behind story to the holiday home an interesting addition of depth to the whole tale. The descriptions of the village life were well done and captivating, and the relationship between cousins Jem and Abi was very nice to read about. There was quite little about them as characters with their stories and idea in the book, except for what we know from Connie and Prudence. This is a shame, as they were the realest characters to me and would have added more depth to the story.
I would recommend this book as a very light holiday read.
Megan Readinginthesunshine
I had read Fern Britton's previous novels before and very much liked them, and so I was looking forward to the release of her latest book, The Holiday Home.

The Carew sisters, Pru and Constance are very different from each other. Prudence is a businesswoman who is used to always getting what she wants, and is married to the mild kind-hearted Francis, who is used to being walked over and attending to Prudence's needs. Constance however, is a loving wife to her husband Greg, unaware of his philande

I had read Fern Britton's previous novels before and very much liked them, and so I was looking forward to the release of her latest book, The Holiday Home.

The Carew sisters, Pru and Constance are very different from each other. Prudence is a businesswoman who is used to always getting what she wants, and is married to the mild kind-hearted Francis, who is used to being walked over and attending to Prudence's needs. Constance however, is a loving wife to her husband Greg, unaware of his philandering ways. Every year they all holiday at Atlantic house, and as tensions and resentments reach boiling point, this is going to be a summer holiday that will change things…

I really enjoyed this! One thing that I love most about Fern Britton's novels is how easy they are to get into. From the first page I was instantly drawn in and I spent a wonderful afternoon reading…I was so lost in the story that before I knew it a whole afternoon had gone by and I had nearly finished!

I don't want to say too much about it because I don't want to spoil it but this really is a book that will have you turning the pages wanting to find out the next part. I had no trouble getting into the story, and I had absolutely no idea what would happen next. There were a few surprises along the way so I was keenly turning every page wanting to find out where the story would take me. The ending in particular was brilliant and I am so pleased I read this book, I really hope everyone else gives it a try, because I'm sure any readers will thoroughly enjoy it as I have.

The characters were very real, and lifelike which helped the story spring to life and jump from the pages. The characters themselves were very straightforward in the sense that it easy to understand their identities and personalities, and so for me, I knew instantly who I liked, and who I didn't warm to as much. Even though I didn't like some characters, their actions and personalities had me engrossed throughout.

I really enjoyed the setting of Cornwall, it was one of my favourite elements of the book. The setting was captured perfectly, and was the perfect setting for such a realistic story. The Holiday Home is a very well-written and enjoyable book, full of bold characters and a brilliant plot line. The Holiday Home would be a wonderful accompaniment to a summer holiday, for a beach read or even just for relaxing with at home. I would highly recommend this, and I truly hope Fern Britton writes more novels.

Apr 19, 2014 rated it really liked it
I was sent a copy of The Holiday Home to review by Harper Collins. I haven't read any of Fern Brittons previous books, so I was intrigued to see what a book written by such a big TV personality would be like.
I have to say I was quite impressed by her writing style. Easy to read, but engaging and filled with larger than life characters, this is the perfect book to take away and read on a sunny beach somewhere.
Pru and Connie are sisters, brought up in a family with wealth. It is obvious from t
I was sent a copy of The Holiday Home to review by Harper Collins. I haven't read any of Fern Brittons previous books, so I was intrigued to see what a book written by such a big TV personality would be like.
I have to say I was quite impressed by her writing style. Easy to read, but engaging and filled with larger than life characters, this is the perfect book to take away and read on a sunny beach somewhere.
Pru and Connie are sisters, brought up in a family with wealth. It is obvious from the start these are two quite spoilt girls, and it carries on into adulthood. Every year, they holiday in the family holiday home, Atlantic House, a place that seems to bring out the worst in the sisters. This latest holiday is filled with arguments, secrets, infidelity, and lies.
I enjoyed reading The Holiday Home, even though the two sisters were not my favourite characters throughout most of the book. There were lots of storylines entwined into one that kept the book interesting every page. There were a lot of twists and turns, especially towards the end, which led to some drastic events happening in the lives of the sisters.
The only thing that knocked the fifth star off this book for me was how fast the ending happened. There were so many dramatic events that happened in such a short amount of space that could have been goven much more detail to give the ending more of an 'oomph' but I felt it was rushed through and led to an almost weak ending that could have been a lot better.
Angelina Kalahari
I was very curious to read a book by Fern Britton, because I had watched her on television for years. I knew she was a great presenter and a brilliant journalist, so expected that she would be able to write very well.

When The Holiday Home fell into my email inbox via Bookbub, I took it as a sign.

It does what it says on the tin: the book is about The Holiday Home, it's about a holiday and it's a lovely, easy read. But it's also about so much more.

Fern expertly shows the start and development of

I was very curious to read a book by Fern Britton, because I had watched her on television for years. I knew she was a great presenter and a brilliant journalist, so expected that she would be able to write very well.

When The Holiday Home fell into my email inbox via Bookbub, I took it as a sign.

It does what it says on the tin: the book is about The Holiday Home, it's about a holiday and it's a lovely, easy read. But it's also about so much more.

Fern expertly shows the start and development of sibling rivalry. It started when they were children, choosing a room each in The Holiday Home, one sister always manipulating her way into getting the best, including the best room. But their rivalry intensified and caused a real rift when during their teenage years, a boy got into the picture.

As adults, dragging along their husbands and children, their rivalry continues with the race to get to The Holiday Home first, in order to get the best room. Thankfully, their children, a son for one sister and a daughter for the other, get along far better than their mothers and seem far more sensible.

When the boy of their youth, now a man, reappears, simmering emotions surface and we understand more about what drives the characters. But the tension rises even further when the mistress of one of the sisters' husbands arrives uninvited and his infidelity becomes public knowledge.

There is a twist in the tale at the end and all in all, I found The Holiday Home a satisfying read.

A charming novel that shows how past recriminations can destroy life in the present.
Pru and Connie are sisters, they have ALWAYS since children argued and never got on well and due to something major happening in their lives as teenagers, this bitter resentment was never quashed and has spilled over into their adult life where rows and petty jealousies are the order of the day.
Now just like every year they spend a few weeks together as one big family including their husbands, children and parent
A charming novel that shows how past recriminations can destroy life in the present.
Pru and Connie are sisters, they have ALWAYS since children argued and never got on well and due to something major happening in their lives as teenagers, this bitter resentment was never quashed and has spilled over into their adult life where rows and petty jealousies are the order of the day.
Now just like every year they spend a few weeks together as one big family including their husbands, children and parents in the old family home, Atlantic house in Cornwall.
And just like every other year the squabbles start over inconsequential things, that is until a couple of blasts from the past turn up, family secrets are revealed and a tragedy all teach the warring sisters that there are bigger things in life than harboured childhood rows.
Can they every fully put aside their resentments and get on at last or will what is all revealed this summer finally split the family asunder?
Well written, great characters you fall in love with, I particularly liked Francis as a character within the novel.
Great storylines and fast paced drama make this a wonderful, light read.
Aug 12, 2014 rated it it was amazing
This is the second time I have read a book written by someone I see regularly on a TV program. I know of Fern Britton though hosting Ready, Steady, Cook many years ago and more recently through her fabulous new show The Great Allotment Challenge. So I was unsure about her being an author until reading The Holiday Home. I will be reading her other books now knowing what a fun book she writes.

This book combined a beautiful Georgian house on the coast of Cornwall, a less than perfect family, two s

This is the second time I have read a book written by someone I see regularly on a TV program. I know of Fern Britton though hosting Ready, Steady, Cook many years ago and more recently through her fabulous new show The Great Allotment Challenge. So I was unsure about her being an author until reading The Holiday Home. I will be reading her other books now knowing what a fun book she writes.

This book combined a beautiful Georgian house on the coast of Cornwall, a less than perfect family, two sisters who to spite their sibling rivalry obviously love each other, the characters of the Cornwall village and a number of surprises thrown in to stir things all up. A recipe for a good summer read!

Apr 29, 2015 rated it really liked it
I am often wary of reading books written by a celebrity as I tend to find myself disappointed. However, I can cheerfully say this book written by Fern Britton was the exception to the rule. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The Holiday Home was a fairly easy read, quite suitable to pack in a suitcase to take to the readers holiday home. Actually I wouldn't be at all surprised if Fern was on the payroll from the Cornish Tourist Board. The book brought back some very happy memories of Cornish holidays of my
I am often wary of reading books written by a celebrity as I tend to find myself disappointed. However, I can cheerfully say this book written by Fern Britton was the exception to the rule. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The Holiday Home was a fairly easy read, quite suitable to pack in a suitcase to take to the readers holiday home. Actually I wouldn't be at all surprised if Fern was on the payroll from the Cornish Tourist Board. The book brought back some very happy memories of Cornish holidays of my own, she made it sound glorious. I did figure out the twist in the tale a little earlier than I would have liked, but to be honest my guessing didn't spoil my enjoyment of what basically was a sweet story.
Aug 21, 2014 rated it it was amazing
Enjoyed this book the more I read. Was a bit slow in getting to the proper storyline and thought at first I wasn't going to like the characters but by the end I was pleasantly surprised that I was enjoying it. A bit of a twist and some loose ends not tied up but a pleasant read.
Enjoyed this book the more I read. Was a bit slow in getting to the proper storyline and thought at first I wasn't going to like the characters but by the end I was pleasantly surprised that I was enjoying it. A bit of a twist and some loose ends not tied up but a pleasant read.
Oct 29, 2014 rated it really liked it
This is about the Carew family on their usual summer break at Atlantic House in Cornwall. Three generations, who don't always see eye to eye, particularly Pru and Connie. Lots of skeletons, as there are in any family. Great story. This is about the Carew family on their usual summer break at Atlantic House in Cornwall. Three generations, who don't always see eye to eye, particularly Pru and Connie. Lots of skeletons, as there are in any family. Great story. ...more
Jul 04, 2015 rated it really liked it
A great read, I love the fact that these novels are set in Cornwall and especially at this time of year, they are fabulous holiday reads.
Great characters and an interesting plot - unfortunately not her best, still very enjoyable.
May 15, 2013 rated it it was amazing
First Fern Britton book I've read...a lovely easy read will def read more of her books! First Fern Britton book I've read...a lovely easy read will def read more of her books! ...more
Alison Winter
Feb 26, 2016 rated it really liked it
I found this book was bit harder to read than seaside affair, bit slow in parts but gets really towards the end, overall quite enjoyed it
Tabitha at
Firstly, I would like to thank Harper Collins for sending me an advance copy of 'The Holiday Home'. In all honesty, had they not done so, I'm not entirely sure that it is a book I would necessarily have chosen myself. Well…big HOORAYS and HURRAHS that they did, because this is a fabulous story that was an absolute delight and pleasure to read.

The Carew family own Atlantic House, a beautiful holiday home with a sea-front location and private path to the beach in the wonderfully idyllic Cornwall…Y

Firstly, I would like to thank Harper Collins for sending me an advance copy of 'The Holiday Home'. In all honesty, had they not done so, I'm not entirely sure that it is a book I would necessarily have chosen myself. Well…big HOORAYS and HURRAHS that they did, because this is a fabulous story that was an absolute delight and pleasure to read.

The Carew family own Atlantic House, a beautiful holiday home with a sea-front location and private path to the beach in the wonderfully idyllic Cornwall…YES, I want to go there right now too!!! However, all is not perfect in the little village of Treviscum Bay. Whilst we learn of a tragic history to the property very early on in the book, it is the complicated relationships and dynamics within the Carew family that take centre stage, in particular the festering and totally authentic sibling feud between the two sisters, Prudence and Constance.

Prudence, a hard-nosed businesswoman, is used to getting exactly as she wants and has the perfect walkover husband in the form of Francis to pander to her each and every need. Constance, on the other hand, is homely and loving, and willing to do anything for anybody. Totally devoted to her husband, Greg, who she adores and worships, she is blatantly unaware of his philandering tendencies and totally selfish demands.

Every year, they all descend together to Atlantic House for the whole summer, annually tolerating (just about!) each other's company, and trying to play at happy families for the sake of their parents. But the rivalry between Pru and Connie appears to have grown too intense this time, and with the constant competition between the pair being tested in more ways than one, it's no surprise that this becomes a summer that will change the Carew family forever.

And if you think I'm going to give you anymore, you're wrong! As tempting as it is to spill the many wonderful elements that make this book so great, I simply can't spoil it for you. Turning every page desperate to discover the next turn of events was one of the best parts of the reading 'The Holiday Home' and it's one that I want every reader to relish in as much as I did.

This book is an incredibly easy story to read and you'll be finishing it before you know it. There's no nonsense when it comes to the characters either. I was instantly able to picture each individual and determine who I felt sympathy for, and who I found utterly unpleasant! It is very candid in its details of the ins and outs of a somewhat dysfunctional family, which I'm sure many readers will be able to relate to. And with all the arguments, the secrets, the romance, the lies, the history and the terrible tragedies that unfold, the way that the book superbly depicts Cornwall, and it's beauty, simply make it a captivating package of brilliance that you'll quickly become engrossed in. Congratulations Fern Britton!

Julie Allwood
Good book great book I recommend it to any body
I think Fern Britton,s book are wonderful ..
I enjoy them a lot they are the first books I read by Fern Britton.
Miss Natasha Rear
Warming story

Lovely read. Plot had me coming back looking forward to the next bit of the story. Great family focus, with summer thrown in.

Completely unrealistic storyline. Didn't really like any of the characters and the end was ridiculous.
Lorraine Williams
Apr 20, 2013 rated it liked it
Time Taken to Read - 2 days

Publisher - HarperFiction

Blurb from Goodreads

Two sisters, one house, a lifetime of secrets.

Set on a Cornish cliff, Atlantic House has been the jewel in the Carew family crown for centuries. Each year, the Carew sisters embark on the yearly trip down to Cornwall for the summer holidays, but they are as different and vinegar and honey.

Prudence, hard-nosed businesswoman and married to the meek and mild Francis, is about to get a shock reminder that you should never take

Time Taken to Read - 2 days

Publisher - HarperFiction

Blurb from Goodreads

Two sisters, one house, a lifetime of secrets.

Set on a Cornish cliff, Atlantic House has been the jewel in the Carew family crown for centuries. Each year, the Carew sisters embark on the yearly trip down to Cornwall for the summer holidays, but they are as different and vinegar and honey.

Prudence, hard-nosed businesswoman and married to the meek and mild Francis, is about to get a shock reminder that you should never take anything for granted.

Constance, homemaker and loving wife to philandering husband Greg, has always been out-manoeuvred by her manipulative sibling. But now that Pru wants to get her hands on Atlantic House, Connie is not about to take things lying down.

When an old face reappears on the scene, years of simmering resentments reach boiling point. But little do the women know that a long-buried secret is about to bite them all on the bottom. Can Constance and Pru put their feuding aside for the sake of everyone else, or will this family holiday push them all over the edge?

My review

Atlantic House has been a huge part of Prudence and her sister Constance's family and yet another source of competition for the girls. Fought over since they claimed bedrooms as children to present day when they are grown and have kids of their own. Every summer the girls and their family go back to the holiday house along with their parents. Old resentment quickly builds up as does the competition and soon more than old feelings surface and some secrets are revealed that could rip the family apart.

This is a great wee read, chick lit, set on a Cornish cliff. The story bounces about from past to present in a fairly easy to follow sequence. The sisters are very childish and at some points very petty which I found a bit grating however it did make the characters come alive and seem very realistic as their personalities had fairly large flaws.

The girls are confronted with an old face from their past which stirs up some unresolved issues and resentment. The story is really easy to follow and you settle into it quickly. There are a few little twists and a whopper as you draw to a close. This is my first time reading this author and whilst chick lit isn't my first choice of read it is great when you just need to switch off and enjoy a good wee tale. I would likely read this author again and give it a good 3/5. Simple, easy to follow, chapters not too lengthy and a pinch of excitement throughout family issues on a summer holiday. Thanks so much to HarperFiction for introducing me to a new author and sending me an ARC copy of this book. You can get yourself a copy from 9th of May, 2013, in print and ebook format.

Claire Hill
Oct 17, 2016 rated it really liked it
This delightful read is perfect for any holiday away from home or even sitting on the sofa with the pouring rain outside on cold winters day.

This tale is full of laughter and drama on every page which with get you hooked from the first page.

We start this book off with an estate agent trying to sell Atlantic House on the Cornish coast, the house has been left for many years after a family loss. When Henry and Dorothy drive down from the city looking for a family holiday home , they instantly fell

This delightful read is perfect for any holiday away from home or even sitting on the sofa with the pouring rain outside on cold winters day.

This tale is full of laughter and drama on every page which with get you hooked from the first page.

We start this book off with an estate agent trying to sell Atlantic House on the Cornish coast, the house has been left for many years after a family loss. When Henry and Dorothy drive down from the city looking for a family holiday home , they instantly fell in love with Atlantic house which need a major makeover which reflected in price. Once the house was ready Henry and Dorothy tame they two daughters Pru and Connie on they first family holiday there . Sisters will be sisters and they fight over everything and anything , with Pru always wanting to win this never changed over the years . Then the book moves to the present day and they are still competing with each other down too who gets to the holiday first ,but deep down both sisters are playing happy families but are they really happy when you look closer the cracks begin to show .

Pru is a hard working, health freak married to Francis who waits her hand and foot and has become a shell of his former self, but Francis hiding a dark secret that he has been flirting with mother on the school board and becomes and scared cat when Belinda turns up out of the blue staying in the cottages near the house.

Connie is a stay at home mum married to Greg who is the managing director of her Fathers company but Greg is playing away from home with Jamie his PA who is getting very clingy and doesn't seem to want to get rid of her and Connie is none the wiser.

The book follows them through the dramas while staying at the family holiday home , and adding more drama to the mix old flames and new family members. Do the sisters remain at war or do they find away to love each other , there are so many twists and turns in this book. so go grab a copy and find out .

David Proffitt
I suppose that for many people, this kind of book just can't be taken seriously. I must admit that I was not entirely convinced by the idea of a book written by a woman best known for presented daytime TV programmes. But I needed something a little different, and preferably not too "heavy" so I thought, what the hell.

The Holiday Home is the story of one family's summer holiday in Cornwall. But this is not just any family. Sisters Pru and Connie are returning to their family's holiday home in Cor

I suppose that for many people, this kind of book just can't be taken seriously. I must admit that I was not entirely convinced by the idea of a book written by a woman best known for presented daytime TV programmes. But I needed something a little different, and preferably not too "heavy" so I thought, what the hell.

The Holiday Home is the story of one family's summer holiday in Cornwall. But this is not just any family. Sisters Pru and Connie are returning to their family's holiday home in Cornwall with the husbands and children too share a family holiday away from the stresses and strains of everyday life.

Connie and Pru are as different as sisters could be, and their lifelong sibling rivalries are about to come to a head.

Set beside the Cornish coast, this is a rather touching story. There are secrets that slowly begin to come to light and relationships that are rekindled. There is a good mix of gently humour, some sadness and some joy.

You ca never be sure how these "celebrity" novels are going to turn out but I was very pleasantly surprised by The Holiday Home. The characters are good, the plot is simple but effective, and the narrative engaging and endearing. From the very beginning I was captivated by the warmth of the writing and just wanted to know more about the wonderful characters.

Not a book for the purists. It is very much an easy summer read, definitely one for the beach. But I really enjoyed its simplicity.

I was in the mood for some light escapism and that is exactly what I got. I am not saying that Fern is an accomplished writer, but she does tell a good tale well.

Louise Culmer
a story about two sisters who have been rivals all their lives, going to stay in the family holiday home with their respective husbands and children. prue, the career woman, is married to Francis, a downtrodden househusband. Connies the housewife is married to greg, a handsome and charming but unfaithful spouse who works in the family business. Connie and greg have a healthy sex life, while Prue and Francis have not had sex for some time (frankly this doesn't surprise me, francis is such a doorm a story about two sisters who have been rivals all their lives, going to stay in the family holiday home with their respective husbands and children. prue, the career woman, is married to Francis, a downtrodden househusband. Connies the housewife is married to greg, a handsome and charming but unfaithful spouse who works in the family business. Connie and greg have a healthy sex life, while Prue and Francis have not had sex for some time (frankly this doesn't surprise me, francis is such a doormat it is hard to imagine any woman wanting to sleep with him). Then belinda, who is a single mother and on the PTA with Francis turns up staying at a nearby cottage. Apparently she is there because she fancies francis (very hard to believe), but it seems she may have another purpose. Connie and prue encounter Merlin, a hot local man with whom both had holiday affairs when they were teenagers. This sets them off dragging up bitter memories and fighting.

This is a fairly entetaining story, and I was enjoying it moderately until, at the end, there is a sudden, unexpected descent into tragedy. This spoilt the book for me, which otherwise was a fairly enjoyable holiday story. As it is, it left me feeling rather sad.

Ali Bookworm
I had been looking forward to this and Atlantic House sounded amazing. If anybody has been to Newquay you will know the Headland Hotel on the peninsular...well that is what I envisaged for Atlantic House. I quite fancied Merlin...again imagining those lifeguards on Fistral Beach. The story had lots of laughs even though it was a bit far fetched at times. I have lost track of how many characters have gone missing in a cave under the house in books I have read this year. I liked Francis but to be I had been looking forward to this and Atlantic House sounded amazing. If anybody has been to Newquay you will know the Headland Hotel on the peninsular...well that is what I envisaged for Atlantic House. I quite fancied Merlin...again imagining those lifeguards on Fistral Beach. The story had lots of laughs even though it was a bit far fetched at times. I have lost track of how many characters have gone missing in a cave under the house in books I have read this year. I liked Francis but to be honest I couldnt really warm to the characters as much as I would have liked and the ending was all a bit much I did get confused as though I had missed something. That said it was just another pleasant summer read but nothing outdtanding. ...more
May 01, 2014 rated it liked it
Initially the prologue was a bit off putting as it was very detailed about the architecture of the house. But this fit in well with the opening chapter involving the estate agents.

There was a good mix of characters; typical chalk and cheese siblings with Pru being genuinely unlikeable although Francis seemed like too much of a drip to be believable. Although by the end all of the characters had been developed well and thoroughly.

There was an unexpected twist in the middle, but with predictable c

Initially the prologue was a bit off putting as it was very detailed about the architecture of the house. But this fit in well with the opening chapter involving the estate agents.

There was a good mix of characters; typical chalk and cheese siblings with Pru being genuinely unlikeable although Francis seemed like too much of a drip to be believable. Although by the end all of the characters had been developed well and thoroughly.

There was an unexpected twist in the middle, but with predictable consequences.

I am unsure about the epilogue, it mirrored the beginning where the Carew family moved into Atlantic house but I am not sure if I liked that idea or found it incredibly cheesy.

Sabrina Davis
It sounded a lot more interesting than it actually was (blurb was really promising). The Carew family are quite ghastly (although I liked Francis)- two middle aged sisters squabbling over a bedroom and trying to one up each other at every turn, a philandering husband, a rather rude grandma, a grandad with skeletons in the closet.... The writing seems rather awkward, and the climax of the story is so rushed. I'm putting it in the "beach book" category, by no means brilliant but not hard work, it It sounded a lot more interesting than it actually was (blurb was really promising). The Carew family are quite ghastly (although I liked Francis)- two middle aged sisters squabbling over a bedroom and trying to one up each other at every turn, a philandering husband, a rather rude grandma, a grandad with skeletons in the closet.... The writing seems rather awkward, and the climax of the story is so rushed. I'm putting it in the "beach book" category, by no means brilliant but not hard work, it could have been so much better. ...more
Feb 10, 2018 rated it it was ok
I have to admit, this was my second time of trying to read this one...I got very bored with it, quite quickly, first time around, and just put it to the side.

I have persevered this time, as I particularly love novels set in Cornwall.

It was ok, but I have to admit, much as I like Fern Britton as a TV presenter, this (the first book of hers I've read) wasn't the best Cornish novel I've read.

I've started a novella next, and then I might move on to another author,.

I have to admit, this was my second time of trying to read this one...I got very bored with it, quite quickly, first time around, and just put it to the side.

I have persevered this time, as I particularly love novels set in Cornwall.

It was ok, but I have to admit, much as I like Fern Britton as a TV presenter, this (the first book of hers I've read) wasn't the best Cornish novel I've read.

I've started a novella next, and then I might move on to another author,.

Fern Britton, an English television presenter, was born on 17 July 1957 in Ealing, London. She was educated at Dr Challoner's High School in Little Chalfont and underwent training in stage management at the Central School of Speech and Drama. She is the daughter of the English actor, Tony Britton and Ruth Britton. Fern Britton spent the early days of her life at Buckinghamshire. Her older sister, Fern Britton, an English television presenter, was born on 17 July 1957 in Ealing, London. She was educated at Dr Challoner's High School in Little Chalfont and underwent training in stage management at the Central School of Speech and Drama. She is the daughter of the English actor, Tony Britton and Ruth Britton. Fern Britton spent the early days of her life at Buckinghamshire. Her older sister, Cherry Britton, is a script writer and her younger half brother, Jasper Britton, is an actor. She is married to the celebrity chef, Phil Vickery and lives with her family at Holmer Green in Buckinghamshire.

Fern Britton worked with a touring theatre company and in 1979, she started her career with Westward Television in Plymouth. She worked as a newsreader and continuity announcer on Westward Diary, the nightly local bulletin. Later, she switched to present BBC's Southwest news programme, Spotlight. She became a known as the youngest national news presenter to present News After Noon on BBC1. Fern Britton then moved to work for TVS in Southampton, where she hosted the South edition of the news programme, Coast to Coast, together with Fred Dinenage. She has also presented other programmes, like Coast to Coast People, The Television Show and Magic Moments.

Since then, Fern Britton has hosted several programmes, which include Carlton Television's After Five, BBC's Breakfast Time, London News Network's London Tonight and BBC 1's Holiday. She also featured in the first two series of The Brian Conley Show and in 1994, Fern Britton went onto present the famous television cookery game show, Ready Steady Cook. She hosted the show for a long span of six years until she was succeeded by chef, Ainsley Harriott. She joined hands with the British television presenter, Phillip Schofield to host the famous television magazine show This Morning. Since 1999, Fern Britton has been hosting the show and the couple was known for their hilarious presentation. The show was a big hit and won the 2003 & 2004 TV Quick Award for the 'Best Daytime Viewing'. It also clinched the 2004 National Television Award for the 'Most Popular Daytime Show'.

Fern Britton anchored the Pride of Britain Awards in 2002 and was one among the panellists on the satirical panel show, Have I Got News for You.

In 2006, the song, "The Fern Britton Experience", which featured in the album, Hang The DJ was named after her by the UK DJ Shitmat. She hosted the reality television show, Soapstar Superstar, and the British Soap Awards 2006. At the Royal Albert Hall, on 31 May 2007, Fern Britton presented the Classical BRIT Awards and also co-presented the British Soap Awards that year.

Fern Britton anchored her own ITV1 Saturday night series, That's What I Call Television in 2007. In December 2007, she went on a secret trip to Basra to broadcast behind-the-scenes footage of the troops. She appeared as a guest presenter for the show, Have I Got News for You on 27 April 2007 and again on 17 October 2008. On 12 January 2008, she was the winner in the first episode of Thank God You're Here, a television comedy series hosted by Paul Merton. In April 2008, Fern Britton together with her colleague, Phillip Schofield was the presenter of the revived 'all star' version of the super hit ITV show, Mr and Mrs. The show was broadcast on Saturday nights as a six-part series.

Apart from television presentations, Fern Britton has also featured in advertisements for Ryvita Minis. She performed the title role in a Cinderella pantomime in 1988. In March 1998, her first book, Fern's Family Favourites, was released and in October the following year, she launched her second book Winter Treats and Summer Delights. Fern, My Story was published in November 2008 by Michael Joseph and it ranked among the Top Ten Bestseller list by The Sunday Times.


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